
art is not what you feel or see...but what you make others feel or see.

To see a piece of artwork is a pleasant experience, and to feel a piece of artwork is a permanent realization. When you see a beautiful work of art, sometimes it's not enough to simply see; you want to have a deeper relationship with the material to be a part of it. The usual way to respond to this desire is to buy a brush and have your relationship through duplication. We become co-creators, co-conspirators, we can make things happen. We can participate in a much more meaningful way.

http://www.pinterest.com/zernansuarez/ https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/user/0672615325767138430358757/zdesign?nav=models         

https://zernansuarez.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_17.html   https://zernansuarez.blogspot.com/p/portfolio2.html   https://zernansuarez.blogspot.com/p/portfoli3.html   https://zernansuarez.blogspot.com/p/portfolio4.html   https://zernansuarez.blogspot.com/p/portfolio5.html   https://zernansuarez.blogspot.com/p/portfolio6.html   https://zernansuarez.blogspot.com/p/portfolio7.html   https://zernansuarez.blogspot.com/p/portfolio8.html
That's only my listed, work in progress and practice personal work, others not to be published due to copyright ownership.


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